Cristin-person-ID: 24035

Petter Laake

  • Stilling:
    ved Kausal inferens ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Training health care providers to administer VIA as a screening test for cervical cancer : a systematic review of essential training components.

Brevik, Thea Beate; da Matta Calegari, Lara Rodrigues; Metcalfe, Isabel Mosquera; Laake, Petter; Maza, Mauricio; Basu, Partha; Todd, Adam; Carvalho, Andre L.. 2023, BMC Medical Education. HELSEMR, USA, NCL, BRASIL, UIO, IARC, HIMVitenskapelig artikkel

Are symptoms assessed differently for schizophrenia and other psychoses in legal insanity evaluations of violent crimes?

Løvgren, Pia Jorde; Laake, Petter; Narud, Kjersti; Reitan, Solveig Klæbo; Bjørkly, Stål Kapstø. 2023, BMC Psychiatry. STOLAV, NTNU, UIO, OUS, HIMVitenskapelig artikkel

Factor structure and internal consistency of the parent patient activation measure (P-PAM) in parents of children with ADHD in norwegian paediatric mental health.

Mundal, Ingunn Pernille; Laake, Petter; Bjørkly, Stål; Lara Cabrera, Mariela Loreto. 2023, BMC Psychiatry. HELSEMR, STOLAV, NTNU, UIO, OUS, HIMVitenskapelig artikkel

The safe pilot study : a prospective naturalistic study with repeated measures design to test protective factors against violence in and after discharge from forensic facilities.

Bjørkly, Stål; Laake, Petter; Douglas, Kevin Stewart. 2022, Psychiatry Research. SFU, HAUKELAND, UIO, OUS, HIMVitenskapelig artikkel

Use of assessment instruments in forensic evaluations of criminal responsibility in Norway.

Løvgren, Pia Jorde; Laake, Petter; Reitan, Solveig Merete Klæbo; Narud, Kjersti. 2022, BMC Psychiatry. NTNU, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel
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