Cristin-person-ID: 594637

Wim van Daele

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse ved Universitetet i Agder



Resultater Resultater

Scaling up evidence-based digital early life nutrition interventions in a county setting: an implementation trial – protocol for Phase 2 of the Nutrition Now project.

Medin, Anine Christine; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Helle, Christine; Helland, Sissel Heidi; Wills, Andrew Keith; Osorio, Natalie Garzon; Lian, Henrik; Iveland Ersfjord, Torunn; van Daele, Wim; Bjørkkjær, Tormod mfl.. 2024, Frontiers in Public Health. FHI, UIO, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Food literacy and diet quality in young vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians, pescatarians, flexitarians and omnivores.

Groufh-Jacobsen, Synne; Larsson, Christel; Van Daele, Wim; Margerison, Claire; Mulkerrins, Isabelle; Aasland, Lale Marie; Medin, Anine Christine. 2023, Public Health Nutrition (PHN). AUSTRALIA, UIA, GuVitenskapelig artikkel

Evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of evidence-based early-life nutrition interventions in a community setting a hybrid type 1 non-randomized trial – the Nutrition Now project protocol.

Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Helland, Sissel Heidi; Helle, Christine; Wills, Andrew Keith; Lamu, Admassu Nadew; Osorio, Natalie Garzon; Lian, Henrik; Ersfjord, Torunn; Van Daele, Wim mfl.. 2023, Frontiers in Endocrinology. DEAKIN, FHI, UoS, UoB, UIO, UIA, KI, MDUFagartikkel

Entangled Assemblages: The Mutual Becoming of Food and More-than-Human Being.

van Daele, Wim. 2022, Foundations of Science. UIAVitenskapelig artikkel
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