Cristin-person-ID: 729188

Aktiv cristin-person Sebastian Jentschke

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for samfunnspsykologi ved Universitetet i Bergen



Utviklingspsykologi • Kognitiv psykologi • Andre psykologiske fag • Biologisk psykologi


  • Tyskland
  • Japan
  • Storbritannia og Nord-Irland


Institutt for Samfunnspsykologi Christies gate 12 5020 Bergen Norge

Forskningsetisk erklæring

Resultater Resultater

Neural correlates of statistical learning in developmental dyslexia: An electroencephalography study.

Daikoku, Tatsuya; Jentschke, Sebastian; Tsogli, Vera; Bergström, Kirstin; Lachmann, Thomas; Ahissar, Merav; Kölsch, Stefan. 2023, Biological Psychology. UAdN, UTOKYO, HHB, CBS, TYSKLAND, HU, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Self-Compassion and Its Association With Ruminative Tendencies and Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability in Recurrent Major Depression.

Svendsen, Julie Lillebostad; Schanche, Elisabeth; Vøllestad, Jon; Visted, Endre; Jentschke, Sebastian; Karl, Anke; Binder, Per-Einar; Osnes, Berge; Sørensen, Lin. 2022, Frontiers in Psychology. HAUKELAND, UoE, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Author Correction: When the statistical MMN meets the physical MMN (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (5563), 10.1038/s41598-019-42066-4).

Tsogli, Vera; Jentschke, Sebastian; Daikoku, Tatsuya; Koelsch, Stefan. 2019, Scientific Reports. CBS, UIBErrata

Unpredictability of the “when” influences prediction error processing of the “what” and “where”.

Tsogli, Vera; Jentschke, Sebastian; Koelsch, Stefan. 2022, PLOS ONE. CBS, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

SEMLj: A Suite for Structural Equation Models in jamovi.

Gallucci, Marcello; Jentschke, Sebastian. 2021, UdSdM, UIBProgramvare
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  • 2020 - Studentstipend for Gina Løge Flemmen (supervisjon)
  • 2020 - Olsens legat
  • 2019 - Reisestipend fra L. Meltzers Høyskolefond