Cristin-person-ID: 811043

Marcus Thomas Pius Gilbert

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for naturhistorie ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes.

Stiller, Josefin; Feng, Shaohong; Chowdhury, Al-Aabid; Rivas-González, Iker; Duchêne, David A.; Fang, Qi; Deng, Yuan; Kozlov, Alexey; Stamatakis, Alexandros; Claramunt, Santiago mfl.. 2024, Nature. UdP, DE, UoIaU, RU, NMSU, UNIVLOUIS, UoB, FLIN, SYDNEY, UoF, NHM, TRU, UNIPANNON, TYSKLAND, NMNH, HITS, HELLAS, SDU, UCAS, NTNU, KU, AIMST, ROM, KINA, CAS, AU, KØB, KIT, AMNH, UCSD, PKU, ICOSTAMUOL, ZU, UOT, HHMIVitenskapelig artikkel

Framework for valorizing waste- and by-products through insects and their microbiomes for food and feed.

Muurmann, Asmus Toftkær; Banovic, Marija; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Sogari, Giovanni; Limborg, Morten Tønsberg; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas; Bahrndorff, Simon. 2024, Food Research International. AU, AAU, MALAYSIA, NTNU, KU, UdSdPVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review

Late Pleistocene stickleback environmental genomes reveal the chronology of freshwater adaptation.

Laine, Jan Tapio; Mak, Sarah S.T.; Martins, Nuno F.G.; Chen, Xihan; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Jones, Felicity C.; Pedersen, Mikkel Winther; Romundset, Anders; Foote, Andrew David. 2024, Current Biology. MAX-PLANCK, NTNU, KU, UIO, NGU, DANMARKVitenskapelig artikkel

Exploring the microbial diversity of novel misos with metagenomics.

Kothe, Caroline Isabel; Rasmussen, Jacob Agerbo; Mak, Sarah S.T.; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Evans, Joshua. 2024, Food Microbiology. DTU, NTNU, KUVitenskapelig artikkel

Future-proofing environmental DNA and trait-based predictions of food webs.

Pereira, Cátia Lúcio; Ersoy, Zeynep; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Gravel, Dominique; Araújo, Miguel B.; Matias, Miguel Graça. 2023, BioScience. MNCN, NTNU, KU, UdÉ, UB, USVitenskapelig artikkel
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