Cristin-person-ID: 826698

Mette Edvardsen

  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Panel Discussion "Conversation Choreography" - Artistic Research Week / Kunstnerisk forskningsuke - Oslo National Academy of the Arts / Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.

Eiermann, André; Edvardsen, Mette; Holte, Solveig Styve; Salamon, Eszter; Pelmus, Manuel; Bulut, Dragana. 2021, KHIO, UIAProgramledelse

WHERE HAVE ALL THE MAGIC GONE. A seminar on what happens in/with theatre, when there's no theatre. Festival of Spooky Action at a Distance .

Eiermann, André; Edvardsen, Mette; Tiedemann, Kathrin; Toome, Hedi-Liis; Kaljujärv, Hendrik; Üprus, Annika; Kalmre, Maarja. 2020, KHIO, UIAProgramdeltagelse

Music For Lectures/Every word was once an animal.

Edvardsen, Mette; Burrows, Jonathan; Fargion, Matteo; Fargion, Francesca. 2020, Artistic research week / Kunstnerisk forskningsuke 2019. KHIOAnnen presentasjon


Edvardsen, Mette; Van den Brande, Kristien; Royo, Victoria Pérez; Skolseg, Runa Borch. 2019, KHIOInnledning

When time has fallen asleep.

Edvardsen, Mette. 2019, KHIOAnnet
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