Cristin-person-ID: 9914

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  • Stilling:
    ved Klinikk for revmatologi poliklinikk og forskning ved Diakonhjemmet sykehus

Resultater Resultater

New pharmacological agents and novel cardiovascular pharmacotherapy strategies in 2023.

Tamargo, Juan; Agewall, Stefan; Borghi, Claudio; Ceconi, Claudio; Cerbai, Elisabetta; Dan, Gheorghe A; Ferdinandy, Peter; Grove, Erik Lerkevang; Rocca, Bianca; Magavern, Emma mfl.. 2024, European Heart Journal (EHJ) - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. BCoM, UK-ESSEN, CANADA, JLG, SGHMSUoL, DIAKONSYK, UCDSC, UdSdP, MUW, UNIBO, SVERIGE, UCdM, SE, UoL, UdMsFCDdB, UIO, UdSdF, ITALIA, AARHUSSYKEVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review

No sign of elevated cardiovascular risk in patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis who remain on stable antirheumatic therapy: Results from the nationwide Norwegian Cardio-Rheuma Register.

Ikdahl, Eirik; semb, anne grete; Kerola, Anne M.. 2024, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. DIAKONSYK, HY-HU, PHHYKYBrev til redaktøren

Heart failure pharmacotherapy and cancer: pathways and pre-clinical/clinical evidence.

Sayour, Nabil V.; Minotti, Giorgio; Camilli, Massimiliano; Savarese, Gianluigi; Kaski, Juan-Carlos; Varga, Zoltán V.; Dan, Gheorghe Andrei; Paál, Ágnes M.; Andreadou, Ioanna; Drexel, Heinz mfl.. 2024, European Heart Journal. BCoM, KAROLINSKA, UK-ESSEN, SGHMSUoL, ØSTERRIKE, UOA, DIAKONSYK, UCDSC, LUCBdR, UdSdP, UDEM, SE, UdMsFCDdB, EMC, UdSdG, MTA, KI, AARHUSSYKEVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review

Effect of high-intensity interval training in physiotherapy primary care for patients with inflammatory arthritis: The ExeHeart randomised controlled trial.

Nordén, Kristine Røren; semb, anne grete; Dagfinrud, Hanne; Hisdal, Jonny; Sexton, Joseph; Fongen, Camilla; Bakke, Emilie Andrea; Ødegård, Sigrid; Skandsen, Jon; Blanck, Thalita mfl.. 2024, RMD Open. PT, DIAKONSYK, OSLOMET, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

Revmatikerdagen 2023 - sjekk deg! .

semb, anne grete. 2023, UIOIntervju
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