Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2533873
Sist endret: 26. februar 2024, 12:42

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2533873
Sist endret: 26. februar 2024, 12:42



Tom Are Trippestad
ved Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Høgskulen på Vestlandet


+47 93047727
Tom Are Trippestad eller Erlend Eidsvik


Start: 31. desember 2015 Slutt: 31. januar 2027

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse



Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag


In the discourse of the ‘knowledge society’, education is perceived as a core technology for seeking to improve a wide range of national issues, public services, and sectors within a new global, economically, cultural, and competitive climate. COMPETE is a cross-disciplinary research group with substantive interest in analysing stakeholder interests, epistemologies, normativity’s, and problem - constructions driving education policy, reform, and governance within key policy areas such as sustainability, citizenship, social justice, national identity, entrepreneurship, and competition.

COMPETE combine analysis of policy, reform, and political instruments with an interest in how they interact with professional identities, didactical texts, contexts, and practices at different institutional levels such as teacher education, schools, and kindergartens.

Background and key narratives

COMPETE is a fusion of two research groups; COMPARE (Comparative Perspectives in Education in Southern - Africa and Northern Europe, and PETER (Political Economy in Teacher Education Research)Https://

COMPARE has substantive interests in analysing urgent, concrete policies and policy instruments in education with empirical or critical theoretical resources derived from the study of political economy and ecology, critical didactics and pedagogy, philosophy, and policy studies.

Because teachers at present are recognized as the most important factors in improving the quality of education, reforming teachers and teacher education is at the core of policymaking in most countries around the world. Non-governmental as well as governmental policymakers look at teacher education as the key lever for raising achievement, improving schools, and elevating the standard of education systems.

Thus, reforming how teachers and student teachers in kindergarten and schools are educated, rearranging their work, identities and knowledge constructs, also represents a strategic effort to shape the identity and work of teachers and the teaching profession in general in a further attempt to change schools and kindergartens and what counts as learning and play.

Political constructs of governance, human capital, leadership, profession models, pupil and student models, quality and effectiveness, investment and learning outcomes, competence, utility, and impact, research-driven or practice-driven relationships between higher education, kindergartens, and schools, are examples of strategies and political instruments derived from overarching political narratives. How do they interact, work, relate or effect pedagogical texts and contexts within key areas such as sustainably, citizenship, competition, and multiculturalism, are at the core of the research interest in COMPETE.


Vitenskapelig sammendrag


In the discourse of the ‘knowledge society’, education is perceived as a core technology for seeking to improve a wide range of national issues, public services, and sectors within a new global, economically, cultural, and competitive climate. COMPETE is a cross-disciplinary research group with substantive interest in analysing stakeholder interests, epistemologies, normativity’s, and problem - constructions driving education policy, reform, and governance within key policy areas such as sustainability, citizenship, social justice, national identity, entrepreneurship, and competition.

COMPETE combine analysis of policy, reform, and political instruments with an interest in how they interact with professional identities, didactical texts, contexts, and practices at different institutional levels such as teacher education, schools, and kindergartens.

Background and key narratives

COMPETE is a fusion of two research groups; COMPARE (Comparative Perspectives in Education in Southern - Africa and Northern Europe, and PETER (Political Economy in Teacher Education Research)Https://

COMPARE has substantive interests in analysing urgent, concrete policies and policy instruments in education with empirical or critical theoretical resources derived from the study of political economy and ecology, critical didactics and pedagogy, philosophy, and policy studies.

Because teachers at present are recognized as the most important factors in improving the quality of education, reforming teachers and teacher education is at the core of policymaking in most countries around the world. Non-governmental as well as governmental policymakers look at teacher education as the key lever for raising achievement, improving schools, and elevating the standard of education systems.

Thus, reforming how teachers and student teachers in kindergarten and schools are educated, rearranging their work, identities and knowledge constructs, also represents a strategic effort to shape the identity and work of teachers and the teaching profession in general in a further attempt to change schools and kindergartens and what counts as learning and play.

Political constructs of governance, human capital, leadership, profession models, pupil and student models, quality and effectiveness, investment and learning outcomes, competence, utility, and impact, research-driven or practice-driven relationships between higher education, kindergartens, and schools, are examples of strategies and political instruments derived from overarching political narratives. How do they interact, work, relate or effect pedagogical texts and contexts within key areas such as sustainably, citizenship, competition, and multiculturalism, are at the core of the research interest in COMPETE.


Methodologies. These themes are addressed using a range of research tools including rhetorical and discourse analysis, comparative approaches, policy enactment studies, curricula and textbook studies, interviews, surveys and quantitative designs; and approaches that involve both participants and research-users.


The principal goal of COMPETE is to become both a local and global hub for initiatives and innovative research activity that brings together urgent and pressing educational themes across nations and educational systems for analysis, research, and teaching cooperation. COMPETE will in part be structured as a cooperative global research group put together from distinct national teaching or research groups in a satellite organization around particular projects, key issues, theoretical resources, and methodologies.

Our international networks include researchers from University of KwaZulu-Natal; Durban, University of Western Cape; Cape Town, Humboldt University; Berlin, Monash University; Melbourne, Kings College; London, East China Normal University; Shanghai, Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka, Wellington and UCB University of California, Berkley.

Our research members are central as mentors and teachers within the PhD program Bildung and pedagogical practises and at bachelor and master’s level in pedagogy, social and political sciences at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences



Vitenskapelig sammendrag


Under diskursen om "kunnskapssamfunn" er utdanning sett som ett kjerneområde for å forbedre eller løse problemer innen et bredt spekter av nasjonale spørsmål, offentlige tjenester og næringer i et større globalt, kulturelt og konkurransepreget klima. COMPETE er en tverrfaglig forskningsgruppe med substansiell interesse i å analysere, epistemologier, normativiteter, økonomiske og ideologiske interesser samt problemkonstruksjoner som fungerer som drivere i utdanningspolitikk, reformer og styring, innenfor sentrale politikkområder som bærekraft, medborgerskap, sosial rettferdighet, nasjonal identitet, entreprenørskap, og konkurranse.

COMPETE kombinerer analyse av politikk, reformer og politiske virkemidler med interesse for hvordan de samhandler og påvirker profesjonelle identiteter, didaktiske tekster, kontekster og praksiser på ulike institusjonsnivåer som lærerutdanning, skoler og barnehager.

Temaene og problematikkene adresseres ved hjelp av en rekke forskningsverktøy, inkludert retorikk og diskursanalyse, komparative tilnærminger, studier av policy enactments, læreplaner og lærebokstudier, kvantitative og kvalitative design og tilnærminger som kan involvere både deltakere og forskningsbrukere.

COMPETE er både et lokalt og et internasjonalt nav for initiativ og innovativ forskningsaktivitet som samler presserende og aktuelle utdanningstemaer på tvers av disipliner, institusjoner og nasjoner for forsknings- og undervisningssamarbeid. COMPETE vil være strukturert som en lokal og samtidig internasjonal forskningsgruppe satt sammen av distinkte samarbeidspartnere innen forskning og undervisnings i en satellittorganisering rundt bestemte prosjekter, nøkkelspørsmål, artikler, teoretiske ressurser og metodikk.

Våre internasjonale nettverk inkluderer forskere fra: University of KwaZulu-Natal; Durban, University of Western Cape; Cape Town, Humboldt University; Berlin, Monash University; Melbourne, Kings College; London, East China Normal University; Shanghai, Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka, Wellington og UCB University of California, Berkley.

Vi er sentrale i undervisning og veiledning på HVls doktorgradsprogram Danning og didaktiske praksiser og underviser på bachelor og masternivå innen samfunnsfag og profesjonsrettet pedagogikk.

COMPETE er en fusjon av to forskergrupper; COMPARE (Comparative Perspectives in Education in Southern - Africa and Northern Europe, og PETER (Political Economy in Teacher Education Research)Https://


Aktiv cristin-person

Tom Are Trippestad

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Mari Sellevåg Aarø

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Marita Nygård

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Hilmar Mjelde

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Olav Christian Ruus

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet
1 - 5 av 16 | Neste | Siste »

Resultater Resultater

Reforms in Teacher Education / ECNU HVL Coorporation. .

Trippestad, Tom Are. 2024, Program corporation BJIE HVL. HVLFaglig foredrag

Cultural Foundations of Education.

Trippestad, Tom Are. 2024, Education and Society today. HVLVitenskapelig foredrag

Dangers of Utopian Engineering in Education.

Trippestad, Tom Are. 2024, EdUHK . HVLVitenskapelig foredrag

Politikerløftet - den nødvendige reformen.

Trippestad, Tom Are. 2023, Årsmøte . HVLPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag

Kriser i utdanningssektoren .

Trippestad, Tom Are. 2024, IKriser, teknologi og bærekraft. HVLVitenskapelig foredrag
1 - 5 av 454 | Neste | Siste »