Cristin-person-ID: 1265206

Aktiv cristin-person Robyn Wootton

  • Stilling:
    ved Nic Waals Institutt ved Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus



Epidemiologi medisinsk og odontologisk statistikk


Rusmiddelbruk • Psykisk helse / mental helse • Forebyggende psykisk helsevern, barn og unge • Selvmordsforebygging


  • Norge
  • Storbritannia og Nord-Irland


Bakgrunn Bakgrunn


Robyn Wootton


I am a psychiatric genetic epidemiologist, interested in understanding and preventing mental illness. My research is highly interdisciplinary, combining methodologies from behaviour genetics, epidemiology and longitudinal modelling. Currently, my research focus has three core areas:

1) Longitudinal modelling of mental illness over the life-course: applying novel modelling techniques to better understand how mental health develops with age.
2) Leveraging genetic data to better understand the development of mental illness: using Mendelian randomisation to identify risk factors for mental illness and comparing transmitted and non-transmitted genetic variants to understand the intergenerational transmission of mental illness from parents to children.
3) Identifying predictors of mental illness progression: combining longitudinal modelling of mental illness with genetic causal inference techniques to find robust predictors of favourable outcomes for those with mental illness.

I have worked with data from international cohorts including ALSPAC (UK), TEDS (UK), E-Risk (UK), MoBa (Norway), Dunedin (New Zealand) and Pelotas (Brazil).

I am skilled in several epidemiology methodologies including twin modelling, GWAS, polygenic score analysis, genetic correlations, Mendelian randomisation, genetic nurture analysis and repeated measures multi-level modelling.

I am a research fellow in the Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology group at Nic Waals Institute, contributing to the PsychGen research group at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (led by Alexandra Havdahl). I am supported by grants from Helse Sør-Øst (Recover - 2020024; CHARM - 2022039).

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Robyn Wootton

Resultater Resultater

Assessing causal links between age at menarche and adolescent mental health: a Mendelian randomisation study.

Askelund, Adrian Dahl; Wootton, Robyn E; Torvik, Fartein Ask; Lawn, Rebecca B.; Ask, Helga; Corfield, Elizabeth Claire; Magnus, Maria Christine; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Magnus, Per; Andreassen, Ole mfl.. 2024, BMC Medicine. NORCE, FHI, UoB, NTNU, UIO, LDS, OUS, HU, UCL, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Estimating the health impact of nicotine exposure by dissecting the effects of nicotine versus non-nicotine constituents of tobacco smoke: A multivariable Mendelian randomisation study.

Khouja, Jasmine N.; Sanderson, Eleanor; Wootton, Robyn E; Taylor, Amy E.; Church, Billy A.; Richmond, Rebecca C.; Munafò, Marcus R.. 2024, PLoS Genetics. UoL, UoB, LDSVitenskapelig artikkel

Disse faktorer påvirker fertilitet og graviditet.

Wootton, Robyn E; sjøgren, kristian. 2023, FHI, LDSIntervju

Characterising of Childhood Self-Harm in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort (MoBa) - The CHARM Project.

Izotova, Anastasia; Wootton, Robyn. 2023, CAHM - Half-Day Research Meeting. FHI, LDSVitenskapelig foredrag

Characterising of Childhood Self-Harm in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort (MoBa) - The CHARM Project.

Izotova, Anastasia; Wootton, Robyn. 2023, PsychGen Kickoff Seminar. FHI, LDSVitenskapelig foredrag
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