Cristin-person-ID: 22060

Aktiv cristin-person Nils Inge Landrø

  • Stilling:
    ved Administrasjon IPS ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet
  • Stilling:
    ved Kognitiv- og nevropsykologi ved Universitetet i Oslo



Kognitiv psykologi • Psykologi • Personlighetspsykologi


Hukommelse • Psykopatologi • Aldring • Demens • Nevropsykologi • Rettspsykologi • Aldersdemens • Afasi • Schizofreni

Forskningsetisk erklæring

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Resultater Resultater

Cognitive rehabilitation of executive functions and attention in post-COVID-19 condition: A randomized controlled trial.

Buer, Sofie; Hagen, Bjørn Ingulfsvann; Nygaard, Anders Benteson; Bø, Ragnhild; Ellingjord-Dale, Merete; Istre, M.S.; Brunvoll, Sonja Hjellegjerde; Lerdal, Anners; Landrø, Nils Inge; Becker, Jacqueline mfl.. 2024, The International Neuropsychological Society (INS). UIO, LDS, OUSPoster

Cognitive rehabilitation of executive functions and attention in post-COVID-19 condition: A randomized controlled trial.

Buer, Sofie; Hagen, Bjørn Ole Ingulfsvann; Nygaard, Anders; Søraas, Arne Vasli Lund; Landrø, Nils Inge; Bø, Ragnhild; Ellingjord-Dale, Merete; Istre, M.S.; Brunvoll, Sonja Hjellegjerde; Lerdal, Anners mfl.. 2024, International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting. LDS, UIO, OUSPoster

Subjective Memory Failure in Critical Care Nurses Recovering from SARS-CoV-2 Infection.

Nygaard, Sara; Brunvoll, Sonja Hjellegjerde; Heiro, Hilde; Hammarström, Bato; Ellingjord-Dale, Merete; Istre, Mette Stausland; Kalleberg, Karl Trygve; Dahl, John Arne; Landrø, Nils Inge; Bø, Ragnhild mfl.. 2023, 12th SCOHHW. LDH, UIO, OUSPoster

Executive Functions in a Population of Individuals with CHARGE Syndrome: Findings from Performance-Based and Rating Scale Measures According to a 3-Factor Model.

Skei, Lynn; von Tetzchner, Stephen; Hartshorne, Timothy; Skei, Sigmund; Landrø, Nils Inge. 2023, Developmental Neurorehabilitation. SIGNO, VESTFTELEM, CMU, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

The assessment and diagnosis of intellectual disability when development is atypical. A Norwegian population study of individuals with CHARGE syndrome.

Skei, Lynn; Skei, Sigmund; von Tetzchner, Stephen; Hartshorne, Timothy; Landrø, Nils Inge. 2023, International Journal of Neuroscience. FMVT, UIO, CMUVitenskapelig artikkel
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  • 2009 - Bjørn Christiansens minnepris