Cristin-person-ID: 767416

Elise Øksendal

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for pedagogikk ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Latente profiler av språk, kommunikasjon, oppmerksomhet og lek blant barnehagebarn.

Øksendal, Elise; Rydland, Veslemøy; Bratlie, Siri Steffensen; Lekhal, Ratib; Grøver, Vibeke. 2023, Barnehageforskningskonferanse 2023. BI, UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Latent profiles of language, communication, attention and play behavior.

Øksendal, Elise; Rydland, Veslemøy; Grøver, Vibeke; Lekhal, Ratib; Bratlie, Siri Steffensen. 2023, European Conference on Developmental Psychology. BI, UIOPoster

Pathways From Preschool Language Difficulties to School-Age Internalizing Problems.

Helland, Siri Saugestad; Røysamb, Espen; Schjølberg, Synnve; Øksendal, Elise; Gustavson, Kristin. 2022, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. FHI, UIO, STATPED, RBUPVitenskapelig artikkel

Associations between poor gross and fine motor skills in pre-school and peer victimization concurrently and longitudinally with follow-up in school age – results from a population-based study.

Øksendal, Elise; Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek; Holte, Arne; Wang, Mari Vaage. 2021, British Journal of Educational Psychology. FHI, UIO, STATPEDVitenskapelig artikkel

Associations Between Language Difficulties, Peer Victimization, and Bully Perpetration From 3 Through 8 Years of Age: Results From a Population-Based Study.

Øksendal, Elise; Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek; Wolke, Dieter; Helland, Siri Saugestad; Holte, Arne; Wang, Mari Vaage. 2021, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. FHI, UIO, UoW, STATPED, RBUPVitenskapelig artikkel
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