Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2471826
Sist endret: 9. januar 2024, 13:37

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2471826
Sist endret: 9. januar 2024, 13:37

A multisite cluster-randomized trial of an internet intervention (‘Mamma Mia’) for preventing and reducing perinatal depressive symptoms


Silje Marie Haga
ved RBUP Øst og Sør

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • RBUP Øst og Sør


  • TotalbudsjettNOK 7.000.000
  • Norges forskningsråd
    Prosjektkode: 295944





Fødselsdepresjon • Primærforebygging • perinatal depresjon • Kløster randomisert kontrollert studie • Maternal subjektiv velvære


  • Mental helse


  • 3 Sykdomsforebyggende og helsefremmende tiltak, og fremme av velvære
  • 3.1 Primærforebyggende tiltak for å endre atferd eller fremme helse
  • 6 Evaluering av behandlinger og terapeutiske intervensjoner



  • Anvendt forskning


Silje Marie Haga


Start: 1. oktober 2020 Slutt: 31. desember 2030

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


A multisite cluster-randomized trial of an internet intervention (‘Mamma Mia’) for preventing and reducing perinatal depressive symptoms

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag

Background: Between 10 and 15 percent of all new mothers experience depressive symptoms of varying severity. For many, this is stigmatized and difficult to talk about, and many do not receive help. Previous studies have shown that web-based programs for mental health issues can be as effective as other psychological treatments when used in combination with guidance from healthcare professionals. Prompt assistance is crucial because untreated depression can negatively impact the interaction with the child. Mamma Mia is an internet program (app) designed to prevent perinatal depression. The program follows the pregnant woman from gestational week 21 until the child is six months old, providing support on the journey to motherhood. Six times during the program, women are asked about depressive symptoms and receive tailored feedback based on their responses. Additionally, they receive advice on where to seek further help. In a study of the Mamma Mia program, results showed that women using Mamma Mia had fewer depressive symptoms. The effect was most significant for those with the highest initial scores on depressive symptoms, although these women were also more likely to drop out of the study. Based on results from other studies, it is likely that the effectiveness of Mamma Mia will be greater if the program is combined with guidance from midwives or health nurses. It is also likely that fewer participants would drop out.

Purpose: In collaboration with an American research group, Mamma Mia will now be further developed and improved. The overall goal of the current project is to implement Mamma Mia at well-baby clinics stations and evaluate the effectiveness, as well as cost-effectiveness, of Mamma Mia with and without guidance from healthcare professionals.

Method: Approximately 1000 pregnant women will be recruited from health stations in municipalities where the training program "Tidlig inn" (Early In) is offered or the "Edinburgh method" is implemented. "Tidlig inn" is a training package for professionals working with pregnant women and parents of young children regarding substance abuse, mental health, and violence in close relationships. The program was initiated in 2010 by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs, and is offered in around 300 municipalities. Municipalities randomizedt to the intervention group that will provide Mamma Mia with guidance will receive training in the implementation and practical use of Mamma Mia. Recruitment of pregnant women will take place during prenatal care at the well-baby clinics before gestational week 25. Information on depressive symptoms, partner relationships, subjective well-being, breastfeeding, attachment, social support, and demographic factors will be collected using validated measurement instruments. Measurements will be taken at inclusion during gestational weeks 20-26, at 37 weeks, and one and a half, three, six, and 12 months after childbirth. Interviews with women will also be conducted, and user data from Mamma Mia will be collected. Focus groups with healthcare professionals will be conducted, and electronic questionnaires will be sent out at 3 and 15 months after training completion. The questionnaires and focus groups will largely revolve around the same themes, including feasibility, utility, expected results, organizational culture, implementation climate, and similar aspects. Information on guidance and implementation will also be collected.



Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Despite high prevalence, perinatal depression is often undetected and untreated. Mamma Mia is a universal preventive internet-based program for perinatal depression and a recent RCT demonstrated its effectiveness (Haga et al., 2018). Interviews with 65 users showed that many wanted Mamma Mia to be integrated in ordinary care (Drozd et al., 2017). Moreover, internet-based programs, guided by persons with lived experience or health personnel, have shown promising results for depression, with effect sizes equivalent to those of face-to-face treatment (Cuijpers et al., 2010). Consequently, clinical and implementation guidelines for a blended care model (Mamma Mia with guidance) that includes up to 5 contact points with practitioners in well-baby clinics were designed (Drozd et al, 2017). Hence, the overall aim of the current project is to test the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and implementation of Mamma Mia with guidance compared to unguided Mamma Mia and usual care on perinatal depression. As the effectiveness of unguided Mamma Mia vs. usual care already has been evaluated in Norway, the primary aims of the Norwegian study-arm are to 1) compare the effectiveness of the blended care model of Mamma Mia in a primary care setting on perinatal depressive symptoms, and assess 2) if guidance can reduce drop-out among those with higher depressive scores and lower education, compared to the unguided intervention. Secondary aims are to assess the implementation in terms of reported use of the program, adherence to guidelines among health personnel, and barriers/facilitators to implementation. An important R&D challenge is to successfully implement Mamma Mia in health services, which is why we will redeem personnel to work locally with the services. Cooperation with our US partners enables continued development of Mamma Mia, and allow evaluation in more diverse populations. This project will contribute substantially to improve women’s mental health and well-being in a public health perspective. 


The collaborative research project will be designed as a multisite, cluster-randomized hybrid trial type 1. The overall aim of the current project is to test the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and implementation of Mamma Mia with guidance compared to unguided Mamma Mia and usual care on perinatal depression in multiple sites in the US and in Norway. As the effectiveness of unguided Mamma Mia compared to usual care has already been evaluated in the existing trial, the Norwegian study will be a two-armed cluster-randomized hybrid trial, assessing the effectiveness of the blended care model against the unguided version of Mamma Mia. 


Aktiv cristin-person

Silje Marie Haga

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved RBUP Øst og Sør

Jennifer Huberty

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Arizona State University

Patricia Kinser

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Virginia Commonwealth University

Filip Drozd

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved RBUP Øst og Sør

Vidar Halsteinli

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NTNU Handelshøyskolen ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
1 - 5 av 5

Resultater Resultater

Mamma Mia: implementeringstudie.

Olavsen, Ellen Solstad; Haga, Silje Marie; Sundrehagen, Thea; Drozd, Filip. 2023, Helsesykepleierutdanning mastertorg. RBUPFaglig foredrag

Mamma Mia.

Olavsen, Ellen Solstad; Haga, Silje Marie; Sundrehagen, Thea; Drozd, Filip. 2023, Kontorfaglig utdanning, RBUP Øst og Sør. RBUPFaglig foredrag

Implementeringsforskning i Mamma Mia RCT.

Olavsen, Ellen Solstad; Haga, Silje Marie; Sundrehagen, Thea; Drozd, Filip. 2023, Forskernettverk Barns Beste. RBUPVitenskapelig foredrag

Implementering av Mamma Mia i helsestasjonstjenesten.

Olavsen, Ellen Solstad; Haga, Silje Marie; Sundrehagen, Thea; Drozd, Filip. 2023, Helsesykepleierkongressen 2023. RBUPPoster

Challenges in Cost Calculation of Digital Health Interventions: A Scoping Review and the Case of Mamma Mia for Prevention of Perinatal Depression.

Khan, Zareen; Halsteinli, Vidar; Drozd, Filip; Haga, Silje Marie; Pedersen, Sindre Andre; Sundrehagen, Thea; Olavesen, Ellen Solstad. 2023, Presentation of Conference Paper. STOLAV, NTNU, RBUPVitenskapelig foredrag
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