Cristin-person-ID: 17720

Tomm Bernklev

  • Stilling:
    ved Administrasjonen ved Sykehuset i Vestfold HF
  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for transplantasjonsmedisin ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Thyroidectomy for Euthyroid Patients with Hashimoto Disease and Persistent Symptoms: An Observational, Postrandomization Study.

Hoff, Geir Svein; Bernklev, Tomm; Johnsen, Lene; Reitsma, Laurens Cornelus; Sina, Dirk; Lauzike, Andromeda; Gibbs, Charlotte Christine; Lende, Tone Hoel; Narvestad, Jon Kristian; Kildahl, Rasmus mfl.. 2024, Journal of Thyroid Research. SUS, TELEMARK, VESTFOLD, UIO, AHUS, UIS, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

The association between pre-diagnostic levels of psychological distress and adverse effects after radical prostatectomy.

Nilsson, Per Rasmus; Næss-Andresen, Thomas Fredrik; Myklebust, Tor Åge; Bernklev, Tomm; Kersten, Hege; Haug, Erik Skaaheim. 2024, BJUI Compass. VV, HELSEMR, TELEMARK, FHI, VESTFOLD, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

People discontinuing colorectal cancer screening is properly the ones benefiting the most from screening.

Knudsen, Markus Dines; Berstad, Paula Marianna; Hjartåker, Anette; Gulichsen, Elisabeth Haagensen; Hugin, Silje; Hoff, Geir; Lange, Thomas de; Bernklev, Tomm; Botteri, Edoardo. 2017, Norsk Gastroenterologisk Forenings årsmøte, Vintermøte 2017. FHI, VESTFOLD, UIO, HVLPoster

Differences in health behavior at 1-year follow-up between attendees of two screening modalities having a negative screening test result, and controls. .

Knudsen, Markus Dines; Hjartåker, Anette; Hoff, Geir; de Lange, Thomas; Bernklev, Tomm; Berstad, Paula Marianna. 2016, The 11th Nordic Nutrition Conference. FHI, VESTFOLD, UIO, HVLPoster

Baseline lifestyle characteristics in participants in bowel cancer screening in Norway and in controls.

Knudsen, Markus Dines; Botteri, Edoardo; Steen, Chloe Beate; Hoff, Geir; Lange, Thomas de; Bernklev, Tomm; Hjartåker, Anette; Berstad, Paula Marianna. 2015, International Cancer Screening Network 2015. FHI, VESTFOLD, UIO, HVLPoster
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