Cristin-person-ID: 62250

Birgitte Lindeman

  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for kjemikalietoksikologi ved Folkehelseinstituttet






Resultater Resultater

Immune cell profiles associated with human exposure to perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) suggest changes in natural killer, T helper, and T cytotoxic cell subpopulations.

Tursi, Amanda R.; Lindeman, Birgitte; Kristoffersen, Anja Bråthen; Hjertholm, Hege; Bronder, Eugenia Igorjevna Nasonova Leg; Andreassen, Monica; Husøy, Trine; Dirven, Hubert; Andorf, Sandra; Nygaard, Unni Cecilie. 2024, Environmental Research. FHI, UoCVitenskapelig artikkel

A quantitative weight-of-evidence method for confidence assessment of adverse outcome pathway networks: A case study on chemical-induced liver steatosis.

Verhoeven, Anouk; van Ertvelde, Jonas; Boeckmans, Joost; Gatzios, Alexandra; Jover, Ramiro; Lindeman, Birgitte; Lopez Soop, Graciela; Rodrigues, Robim M.; Rapisarda, Anna; Sanz-Serrano, Julen mfl.. 2024, Toxicology. VUB, FHI, UdV, HUVitenskapelig artikkel

New approach methodologies to enhance human health risk assessment of immunotoxic properties of chemicals — a PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals) project.

Snapkov, Igor; Smith, Nicola Margareta; Arnesdotter, Emma; Beekmann, Karsten; Blanc, Etienne B.; Braeuning, Albert; Corsini, Emanuela; Dolenc, Marija Sollner; Duivenvoorde, Loes P.M.; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl mfl.. 2024, Frontiers in Toxicology. UU, STAMI, MEDINNSBRU, FHI, UFZ, RIVM, LIH, UvL, BFR, UdSdM, INSERM, INSA, VETINST, WUR, NEM, LISTVitenskapelig artikkel

Comprehensive mapping of the AOP-Wiki database: identifying biological and disease gaps.

Jaylet, Thomas; Coustillet, Thibaut; Smith, Nicola Margareta; Viviani, Barbara; Lindeman, Birgitte; Vergauwen, Lucia; Myhre, Oddvar; Yarar, Nurettin; Gostner, Johanna; Monfort-Lanzas, Pablo mfl.. 2024, Frontiers in Toxicology. MEDINNSBRU, UPARIS, FHI, UA, IUSSVitenskapelig artikkel

Comparison of aggregated exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) from diet and personal care products with concentrations in blood using a PBPK model – Results from the Norwegian biomonitoring study in EuroMix.

Husøy, Trine; Caspersen, Ida Henriette; Thépaut, E.; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Haug, Line Småstuen; Andreassen, Monica; Gkrillas, Athanasios; Lindeman, Birgitte; Thomsen, Cathrine; Herzke, Dorte mfl.. 2023, Environmental Research. FHI, ANDREINSTVitenskapelig artikkel
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