Cristin-person-ID: 841

Aktiv cristin-person Ingunn Olea Lund

  • Stilling:
    ved Helse-, utviklings- og personlighetspsyk ved Universitetet i Oslo
  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for barns helse og utvikling ved Folkehelseinstituttet


Folkehelseinstituttet Postboks 4404 Nydalen 0403 Oslo

Bakgrunn Bakgrunn


Ingunn Olea Lund


Jeg er interessert i hvordan gener og miljø påvirker vår psykiske helse - særlig rusproblemer, angst, depresjon og søvnplager.


Ingunn Olea Lund


I'm interested in exploring how genetics and environment influence our mental health, particularly in relation to substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

Resultater Resultater

Sports participation moderates the risk of family-specific negative life events on alcohol use among adolescents: Evidence from the longitudinal MyLife study.

Türkmen, Cagdas; Brunborg, Geir Scott; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Kiefer, Falk; Vollstädt-Klein, Sabine; Burdzovic Andreas, Jasmina. 2024, Addictive Behaviors Reports. FHI, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Age-group variations in patterns of psychiatric healthcare utilization during the pandemic among children and adolescents with pre-existing diagnoses.

Lund, Ingunn Olea; Jensen, Pia; Madsen, Christian; Hauge, Lars Johan; Havdahl, Alexandra; Reneflot, Anne; Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek; Ask, Helga. 2024, CovidMent Young Startup-meeting. FHI, UIO, LDS, UIAFaglig foredrag

Genotype–environment interplay in associations between maternal drinking and offspring emotional and behavioral problems – CORRIGENDUM.

Hannigan, Laurie J.; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Askelund, Jo Adrian Dahl; Ystrøm, Eivind; Corfield, Elizabeth Claire; Ask, Helga; Havdahl, Alexandra. 2023, Psychological Medicine. FHI, UIO, LDSErrata

Erratum: Correction: Incidence rates of treated mental disorders before and during the COVID-19 pandemic-a nationwide study comparing trends in the period 2015 to 2021 (BMC psychiatry (2023) 23 1 (668)).

Jensen, Pia; Engdahl, Bo Lars; Gustavson, Kristin; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Pettersen, Johanne Hagen; Madsen, Christian; Hauge, Lars Johan; Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo; Reneflot, Anne; Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek mfl.. 2023, BMC Psychiatry. FHI, UIOErrata

Genotype-environment interplay in associations between maternal drinking and offspring emotional and behavioral problems.

Hannigan, Laurie; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Askelund, Jo Adrian Dahl; Ystrøm, Eivind; Corfield, Elizabeth Claire; Ask, Helga; Havdahl, Alexandra. 2023, Psychological Medicine. FHI, UoB, LDS, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel
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  • 2012 - The College on Problems of Drug Dependence: young investigators travel award
  • 2011 - American Womens Club of Oslo Award
  • 2011 - Fulbright Scholarship